Doors Open!
Early Enrollment Ends October 18: The Wealthy Sorceress 

Because you love your work. But you don't love how you do it.

Sorceress School

A Proven Path to Awaken Your Inner Power, Elevate Your Business, and Embody the Divine Feminine Leader Within you can enjoy more prosperity serving the world and fulfilling your soul's potential– without burning out, betraying your values, or getting in your own way  

An Internal Family Systems & Women's Spiritual Leadership Immersion 


If you're frustrated you haven't gotten the results you want in your business– despite all your inner and outer work– this is likely the missing piece.

I’ve learned the hard way that trying to fix or go to war with myself simply doesn’t work.

I’ve learned that I can’t meditate my problems away, shame my Inner Critic into silence, and that talk therapy doesn’t even come close to healing my deepest wounds.

Instead of...


✔ Believing all the voices in your head that say you're "not enough" 

✔ Berating yourself because “You should have this figured out" or "You should be over this" by now

✔ Pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion, burnout, or sickness

✔ Hiding instead of "putting yourself out there"


What If Instead You...


✔ Lived from your inner guidance, with boldness and courage 

✔ Trusted yourself to really "go for it," without excuses or getting sidetracked

 Felt safe being seen and sharing your soul's gifts

 Crafted a sustainable, spacious business that deeply supported you and the life you most want 

There really is a better way to do the work you know you're born to do.  

 “Sara is a true gift. The work with IFS has been a deep, releasing, and transformative experience.”

– heidi rose robbins, astrologer & author

Does this sound like you?

You’re an accomplished, spiritually-attuned, visionary woman


You’ve done all the things to become grounded, integrated, and whole in your life and work…  

✔ You’ve done talk therapy and business coaching

✔ Been on yoga and meditation retreats 

✔ Taken programs on everything from marketing and money mindset to feminine power

✔ Heck, maybe you’re even a healing professional, coach, or therapist yourself 


Still, there’s something important missing.


✔ Maybe you’ve burned out in the past (or consider yourself to be a Highly Sensitive Person) and hustling non-stop just isn't an option

✔ Perhaps you’re simply feeling an inner invitation to be and experience more

✔ Maybe you have something important to share, but just aren't getting around to doing the work (or don't have a clear plan to get started)

✔ Or you're doing all the "right" things to grow your business, but you still aren't getting the results you want

✔ Alas, maybe nothing specific has happened – but life has happened. And the inevitable missteps and “failures” you’ve experienced have started to chip away at your faith in yourself and those bigger dreams you’ve always had for your life

 Life's too short to stay feeling unfulfilled. 

You’re not alone.

And you’re in the right place.

Everything you’ve experienced, and every action you’ve taken so far, has led you right here, to this moment.

No matter where you are right now in your life and work – your “best life” (however you define it), is absolutely possible for you.

It took me time (and heartbreak) to figure out how, but I can help save you both of those things.

Take my hand. I’ll show you exactly how to get out of your own way so you can serve the world in the ways that only you can.  


When You Enroll by October 18

early enrollment bonus

The Wealthy Sorceress: Activating Your Prosperity Potential Masterclass

(a $297 value)

Step into your power as a Wealthy Sorceress and master the art of receiving more prosperity—without sacrificing your values or spiritual integrity. In this exclusive masterclass, you'll learn how to align your energy with the frequency of abundance, using practical tools alongside ancient wisdom.

Whether you tend to bury your head in the sand when it comes to looking at your numbers, never learned how to manage your money, grip tightly out of fear that there's not enough, have already done A LOT of money mindset courses, or can never seem to hold onto the money you have (or call in the money you want in the first place), this is for you.

You'll discover the mindset shifts, daily rituals, and nuts & bolts management strategies that will transform your relationship with money, allowing you to create financial freedom in a way that feels aligned with your soul’s purpose. Including teachings from Internal Family Systems, metaphysics, and tried-and-true personal and business finance, This is your chance to unlock the secrets of wealth consciousness and embody true prosperity—on your own terms.

Perfect for heart-centered entrepreneurs and women who want to call in greater abundance, while staying true to their mission and values. Ready to step into your financial sovereignty and thrive as a sorceress of abundance? This masterclass will show you how.

"Before joining this program, I was 100% busy and overwhelmed. I hated my work and was looking for an alternative to it. I felt disconnected from myself and my husband. I was totally lost in my thoughts and my reactions."


"By the time I stepped into this, I'd tried it all! I have been following Sara's work for a very long time, and it finally felt like the right time to jump in.

I've never participated in a group environment like this, and I've never participated in a learning environment for personal/spiritual growth that contains so much theory and practical techniques to be combined with spirituality. The presentation of IFS and all of the IFS practices that we did/learned about in the course were very powerful for me.

Now I can experience my life on a deeper level - rather than just reacting without knowing why. I have the tools to inquire what's going on in my system and be with it. I feel like I have power and agency over my mind and my heart.

Joining Sorceress School is a big and important step to take for yourself, for your well-being, and your contribution to the world. It does require commitment, and what you get out of it will be well worth your 100% effort.

I absolutely recommend this program. It's a wonderful, powerful, nonthreatening way for women to learn about themselves and grow."

– Stephanie Hines, California

For women who work for themselves:

entrepreneurs, CEOs, coaches, therapists, creatives & healing professionals


Sorceress School is an initiation into the heart and soul of fulfilling your true potential – without shame, playing small, burning out, or needing to become “perfect,” and with a supportive guide and community alongside you every step of the way.

What's a Sorceress?

There’s a new kind of female entrepreneur emerging in these troubled times.

She's the sort of leader who's guided by the sacred.

She's a woman who's building her business from her wholeness, rather than her wounds.

A Sorceress is a visionary leader who blends ancient wisdom and intuition with cutting-edge business acumen.

She leverages mystical insights, strategic foresight, and  Self-leadership to invoke innovation, inspire others, and create sustainable growth. 

And she's doing this for the greatest good of all.

Here are some words from one of our graduates, Rachel:

“There’s a sense of real safety and peace with you, and integrity. I’ve worked with many, many healers over the years. I’m still always shocked by the lack of integrity in creating safe spaces, and I really feel like you get that. And I know that you do the work yourself, and it’s obvious. So there’s this transmission that can really come through because of that.”

I just feel immense gratitude for your program and what it did for me. There really are no words. It’s been the most transformative thing I’ve done. I’m grateful.

– Rachel Fisher; Acupuncturist, Herbalist & Practitioner of Shamanic Medicine in Boulder, CO


Here are some words from one of our graduates, Rachel:

“There’s a sense of real safety and peace with you, and integrity. I’ve worked with many, many healers over the years. I’m still always shocked by the lack of integrity in creating safe spaces, and I really feel like you get that. And I know that you do the work yourself, and it’s obvious. So there’s this transmission that can really come through because of that.”

I just feel immense gratitude for your program and what it did for me. There really are no words. It’s been the most transformative thing I’ve done. I’m grateful.

– Rachel Fisher;  Acupuncturist, Herbalist & Shamanic Practitioner in Boulder, CO



This for you if:


You want to attract more clients, influence, and income. But despite all the information you've accrued and actions you've taken, you still haven't been able to do this. Why? Unresolved wounds and deep-seated beliefs of unworthiness are blocking you from receiving more success and abundance. And you sense it's time to finally clear these by (safely, gently) going to their root.


You want to feel safe and resourced doing your soul's work and "putting yourself out there." But the reality is, you're staying stuck in distraction or busywork. Each day you avoid it, your trust in yourself lessens. You want to learn how to work in a way that not only won't burn you out, but that also helps you feel safe being visible.


You want to feel deep fulfillment and confidence doing the work you're born to do– while being well-paid for it. You're tired of undercharging for your services, having clients who continually cross your boundaries, and creating programs no one signs up for. Most of all, you're tired of believing, deep down, that you're just not good enough to make your dreams happen.

Sorceress School is a powerful, supportive, integrative experience that will help you get unstuck and feel more clarity and relaxed confidence in your work– without spending decades and thousands of dollars on therapy or coaching, or trying to piece together productivity “hacks” or other questionable methods on your own. 

Above all, Sorceress School is the program to join now if you want to thrive doing the work you know you're born to do. 


Sorceress School offers one-of-a-kind tools, inspiration, community, and expert guidance to end the internal struggle, receive more prosperity, feel comfortable in your own skin, and truly fulfill your potential...without burning out or betraying your values.

Welcome home, my friend.

This is your time.



The Foundation for Mastering the Inner Game of Business

IFS is a cutting-edge, evidence-based, psycho-spiritual therapeutic model and spiritual practice that helps us move from living a fear-led to an inspiration-led life.

Its core premise is that we have a multiplicity of personalities, or “parts,” within us and that all parts of us are fundamentally good.

IFS offers a clear, accessible path to heal those parts of yourself that can become extreme and overwhelm you– so that you can access more of your calm, wise center, or your Self, more often.

It's become so popular (and powerful) that people like Gabby Bernstein, Alanis Morissette, Gwyneth Paltrow, Dr. Lisa Rankin, Tim Ferriss, Elise Loehnen, Glennon Doyle, and Elizabeth Gilbert have openly shared how much it has helped them.

By the end of this program, you will:



Instead of always feeling like you have one foot on the gas and one foot on the break, keeping you from moving with consistent momentum in the direction of your dreams, you'll learn how to harmonize all of your inner conflicts and align them with your true Self's deepest desires. (It’s impossible to create what we want in our lives without this!)


Rather than letting your people-pleasing parts take over when a client pushes against your boundaries, or letting fearful parts keep you from getting on video, learn to let your true Self lead in your business, and your life.  Then, you'll no longer feel like the challenging parts of you are driving the bus, against your will. 


No amount of positive intentions you recite can overcome deeper beliefs that you're "not enough." And when those old wounds of unworthiness are still operating, you're shutting yourself down to receive more abundance and goodness. Heal and transform those old wounds at their core, so you can feel deep worthiness in every cell of your being. 


Rather than getting locked into either hyper-masculine patterns of pushing or hyper-feminine patterns of collapsing, find the dynamic balance between the two so you can apply yourself with sustainable power, while staying deeply in tune with your inner guidance, your soul, and your body. This way, each step you take will be sourced by your wholeness, and all you create and touch will reverberate with this harmony as well. 


Above all: You’ll connect deeply with that “still, small voice” inside to help guide you toward the greatness you know is possible, while learning how to love and accept yourself just as you are along the way.

And when you fully accept yourself, you’re free to become who you’re truly meant to be.

Plus, if you’re a coach or healing professional yourself, you’ll gain enriched tools to help those you serve with more expertise, authenticity, and confidence.

"Before joining this program, I was feeling very depressed and anxious as I was going through many difficult transitions. I was in the middle of a divorce and my daughter left home for college. I was feeling very lost and purposeless.

“As a result, I was struggling with severe anxiety and depression, hopelessness, and major life transitions. Unhealed childhood trauma was making daily life difficult. I was also struggling with insomnia and night terrors.

I wanted to participate in this program because I had read Sara's book, The Book of SHE, and listened to her podcast. I resonate with so much of what she teaches. I have been wanting the opportunity to work directly with Sara, and this was a great way to do it, it fits into my schedule and I loved the idea of the live calls and participating with other women. The combination of online and live work was great.

I felt that the information about IFS was explained very well. Sara was well-versed and helped me to work with some of my parts, especially protectors. At the end of the program, I gained a better working understanding of IFS and am able to better employ it in my life.

If you are a woman looking for guidance from someone who is authentic and has done her own work, then this is a great program for you!"

– Francine Ronis; Falls Church, VA

“It's like one year of therapy in six weeks…”

This is what one graduate of the program shared.

Different from any other course out there, Sorceress School meets you where you are and helps take you where you want to be, efficiently and effectively.

  • If you ever find yourself thinking, “There’s something wrong with me,” or you feel frustrated, weary, and hopeless from working on the same issues for so long, without getting the results you want…
  • You’ve been dealt a devastating setback in life or heartbreak you’re struggling to heal from… You've been burned by business coaches in the past....You don’t have the time or money to be in therapy for years or to take endless online courses…
  • You feel like you can’t authentically support others until you’ve healed these aspects of yourself first…
  • Or, if you feel yourself slipping when you don’t have the accountability of a class and community…

If you haven't gotten the results you want in your business yet (despite all of your best efforts), this is likely the missing piece.

Sorceress School gives you a supported, direct path to both inner and outer success.

"I absolutely recommend this program 1000%!”

"While being part of this program, I was waist-deep in an icky custody battle with my former husband. What’s amazing to me is that now I simply feel forgiveness and compassion for him. This was really healing for me, and hopefully someday for our co-parenting relationship as well. I also understand now why I would often still want to go back to him, even when it was incredibly harmful for me to do so.

What stands out for me the most from this program is your voice and your presence, Sara. So safe. So kind. So loving. Thank you so much for that. I have been following you for years and with more and more coming out on IFS, I wanted a space to explore it more fully!

Now, I want to start from the beginning of your program once again and just devour it all. Probably will many times over! "

– Brook Simonson; Registered Nurse, Holistic Coach

Meet your guide

Hi, I’m Sara Avant Stover.

I’m a bestselling author of three books, a Level 3 Certified Internal Family Systems (IFS) practitioner, multi-certified yoga and meditation teacher, and an expert in women's spiritual leadership and entrepreneurship for over two decades.

My work lands at the intersection between spirituality, business, feminism, and psychology–  helping women fulfill their potential so they can become who they truly are.

After graduating Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude from Columbia University's all-women's Barnard College, I had a health scare in my early twenties. Upon my diagnosis, I let everything go to heal and find myself. I moved to Thailand (turns out: my soul’s home) and spent ten years there on a healing and spiritual odyssey throughout Asia. I returned convinced that each woman has within her the wisdom that will save her (and our world).

Since then, I’ve taught both internationally and online – including at centers like 1440 Multiversity, Kripalu, and Drala Mountain Center. I’ve been featured in Yoga Journal, the Huffington Post, Newsweek, and Natural Health, and on ABC, NBC, and CBS.

And I’ve also grown my business from the ground up (twice), facing and overcoming tremendous inner and outer obstacles. All the while, I prioritized creating a business and life that are deeply aligned with my feminine values, sensitive nervous system, and spiritual practice.

As a Certified Internal Family Systems Practitioner, I weave the potent, evidence-based, psychotherapeutic healing model of IFS into everything I teach. 

Sorceress School is the latest evolution of my work. It’s what helped me get to the root of hard-to-reach places within myself, and to realign and rebuild every crevice of myself, my life, and my business after the unthinkable happened. It’s an honor to share this path with you now, too.

"Before joining this course, I was struggling with the belief that I was not a good person (a horrible person, actually), and that I was and would never be good enough in any area of my life. I was also struggling with proving my worth and trying to make a business work.”

I love Sara's work and have been in this community for several years, so there were all of the offerings that Sara has done in the past - and I feel like they all worked and that this program was a way to take everything I have learned from her and really solidify it. It seems like the umbrella that everything fits underneath.

At the end of this program, I am definitely happier now.

This is one of the most gentle and respectful ways to understand and work with why you do the things you do. If you believe that you are deeply flawed, broken, or otherwise not enough, this program will show you that all of those beliefs are a lie and that you are truly whole and loved deeply.

Also, this program will give you a deeper understanding of your patterns and habits and show you that you are worthy, beautiful, and enough. You will leave this program with a sense of freedom and relief from all the old ways you thought about who you are. You must run, don't walk, to sign up for this program because it will change everything!"

– Deb Dawson-Dunn; Coach & Yoga Teacher in Canada

Here's What's Included:


women's IFS healing CIRCLES

To support you in integrating all the learning material in Sorceress School, Sara will lead six, live group  calls. Get real-time support with whatever you're experiencing while feeling connected, seen, and supported.

Journaling Worksheets

To help you integrate key lessons from each of the weekly initiations, you’ll receive Sorceress Worksheets. Here, you can tap into your inner wisdom by journaling your insights, while mapping your learnings for future reference.

Meditations, Yoga Classes & Guest Interviews

Receive exclusive guided meditations and guest expert interviews, as well as a guided yin yoga class with an IFS inquiry, to help you experience the teachings within your own body, heart, and mind. Past graduates have shared that these practices are some of their favorite parts of the program!

Video Lessons & Private Podcast

Enjoy inspiring, in-depth video lessons each week to lead you through our Sorceress School initation. These incorporate essential teachings from both IFS and women's spiritual leadership.  Each lesson is also available as an audio for you to listen on-the-go through our student-only podcast.

Women’s Community

Throughout our entire journey together, you can connect online with other brilliant women like yourself both in our Facebook group and during our live IFS Women's Circles. This is where the real healing…and magic…happens!

Lifetime Access

Enjoy access to this program for as long as it lives online. This means you’ll enjoy future upgrades and additions to Sorceress School too! The materials in this program are meant to support you for years to come. 

Here's What You'll Learn:


Aligning with Your Soul

You and your business will only thrive when in harmony with your soul’s true purpose. In this initiation, you’ll go beyond surface-level changes to deeply align your inner and outer worlds with your soul’s desires. By clearing away what no longer serves you and creating intentional space in your life, you’ll lay a powerful foundation that supports your highest vision. This alignment is not just a step—it’s the essential groundwork that will enable you to pursue your entrepreneurial goals with clarity, focus, and unwavering confidence.

Includes guided meditations and accompanying worksheets and practices. 

Initiation 1 highlights:

✔ Setting powerful intentions that align with your heart’s deepest desires, while preparing your physical and emotional space for the shifts ahead

✔ Understanding your unique mission that lives within you, and how it guides your destiny

✔ Doing an integrity cleanse—engaging in courageous conversations, forgiving grievances, and clearing any life clutter

✔ Exploring the journey of the soul and its evolution throughout your life, and then learning how to connect more deeply with your soul.


Embodying Your Divine Feminine 

Access a wider spectrum of your feminine power by grounding deeply into your body and awakening your intuitive wisdom. In this initiation, you’ll engage in transformative practices that not only connect you with your energy centers but also empower you to harness your life force. By embodying this balance of strength and receptivity, you’ll keep your nervous system regulated, develop clear energetic boundaries, and safeguard your health.  This isn’t just about feeling more connected; it’s about stepping into a more powerful, aligned version of yourself that has the capacity to embody lasting success.

Includes guided meditations and accompanying worksheets and practices. 

Initiation 2 highlights:

✔ Learn grounding and centering techniques to stabilize and strengthen your energy

✔ Exploring the chakras to clear and activate your energetic body, clear stagnant energy, and create space for new possibilities

✔ Developing and trusting your intuition to guide decisions in life and business

✔ Creating or refining a nourishing daily embodiment practice that supports you while fulfilling your mission 


Becoming an Alchemist

Instead of being a victim to your thoughts and feelings, master the art of inner transformation by learning to alchemize your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs into powerful catalysts for success. In this initiation, you’ll dive into the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model, a cutting-edge psycho-spiritual approach that equips you with the scientifically proven tools to navigate your inner world with compassion and precision. By understanding and transforming the dynamics within you, you’ll gain the clarity and emotional resilience needed to overcome obstacles and align your business with your highest purpose. This isn’t just knowledge; it’s the key to turning your inner challenges into gold.

Includes guided meditations and accompanying worksheets and practices. 

Initiation 3 highlights:

 Gain an understanding of the transformative model of IFS and how it can help you identify and work with the different “parts” of your psyche that influence your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

✔  Learn about the internal protectors that keep you safe—whether through managing daily tasks or responding in crisis mode—and uncover how to shift their roles from fear-driven to supportive.

✔  Dive into the hidden parts of yourself that have been pushed away, and discover how to access the compassionate, calm essence within you that has the power to heal and lead with wisdom.


transforming inner enemies into allies

Discover the untapped potential within your inner challenges by turning them into powerful allies on your business-building journey. In this module, you’ll learn how to unlock the hidden wisdom of your internal protectors—those parts of you (like your Inner Critic, Task Master, or Perfectionist) that may seem like obstacles but actually hold the keys to your growth. By transforming these perceived blocks, you’ll gain access to new sources of strength, genius, and support, empowering you to move forward with greater confidence and resilience. This isn’t just about overcoming challenges; it’s about harnessing their power to propel you toward greater success.

Includes guided meditations and accompanying worksheets and practices. 

Initiation 4 highlights:

✔      Understanding why trying to fix, ignore, overpower, or go to war with these parts of yourself is only making things worse

✔      Getting to know the extreme parts (like your Inner Critic and Perfectionist parts) that take over your system, in a way that helps you feel compassion towards them

✔      Gaining insight into the internal relationships between the parts that are keeping you locked in painful patterns you don’t feel like you can stop 

✔  Experiencing an internal dialogue exercise to support you in getting to know one of your so-called demons


Healing Unresolved Wounds

Break free from the patterns that hold you back by healing the deep, unresolved wounds that continue to impact your present-day experiences. In this module, you’ll trace the roots of self-sabotaging behaviors—whether it’s working to the point of burnout, procrastinating on critical tasks, or struggling to achieve the success you deserve. By addressing and healing these past wounds, you’ll remove the barriers that have been blocking your progress, allowing you to move forward with renewed energy, purpose, and the ability to fully thrive in your business. Plus, these old wounds hold within them buried pieces of your creativity, genius, innocence, and magic.

Includes guided meditations and accompanying worksheets and practices. 

INITIATION 5 highlights:

✔ Explore the connection between Internal Family Systems (IFS) and attachment theory to understand how early experiences shape your relationship with yourself and others, and how healing these attachments leads to deeper connection and growth.

✔  Take a compassionate inventory of both "big T" and "little t" traumas that have impacted your life. Learn the powerful unburdening process to release the weight of personal, collective, and ancestral trauma, freeing you to move forward with clarity.

✔ Develop the ability to truly feel and process your emotions in a safe and supported way, breaking the patterns of avoidance and suppression to bring lasting healing to your inner world.



Cultivating Self-Leadership

Instead of comparing yourself to other women who are unapologetically living on purpose, it's time for you to step into your most empowered role as a leader by learning to lead from your true Self. In this initiation, you’ll develop the skills to cultivate inner harmony and maintain a steady, intuitive presence, even in the face of challenges. By leading with compassion, confidence, and clarity, you’ll not only enhance your day-to-day decision-making but also inspire others and create a life and business rooted in deep purpose and wholeness. This isn’t just about leadership; it’s about embodying the kind of leader who can transform both her own life, the lives of those she serves, and our world at large.

Includes guided meditations and accompanying worksheets and practices. 

Initiation 6 highlights:

✔  Learn to recognize the parts that mimic your Self and discern the difference between their guidance and your true Self-energy. Connect with inner guides to support you in maintaining balance and clarity.

✔ Strengthen your connection to the Big Self, the source of existence, and learn how to consistently access this powerful energy to align with grace and divine order.

✔  Cultivate greater levels of self-trust and inner safety by hosting a family meeting with your internal parts, bringing them together to create inner harmony, trust, and cooperation for greater self-leadership.

✔ Reflect on your transformation, celebrate your progress, and map out the next steps on your journey toward ongoing growth and expansion, fully equipped with the tools and practices to embody self-leadership for life.



Design Your Dream Business in 2025 LIVE Retreat with Sara

& bring a friend for free

(a $1994 value)

Step into 2025 with clarity, confidence, and a powerful vision for your business. In this transformational two-day retreat, Sara will guide you and a community of like-minded women through a proven 5-part framework to design a sustainable, profitable, and sacred business that aligns with your deepest values. Using Internal Family Systems, you'll release inner blocks that have held you back so you can more fully embody your soul's potential. By the end of the retreat, you'll have a crystal-clear roadmap for success, grounded in your soul’s purpose and ready to actualize your dream business in the year ahead.

This LIVE virtual retreat is December 6-7 (A recording will be available for 30 days). 


women's IFS healing CIRCLES WITH SARA

(a $997 value)

The wounds that keep us stuck develop in relationships. So, the only way to heal these wounds is also in relationships (rather than just on your own or 1-1). This is one of the many reasons why group work is so powerful!

Plus, women's circles have been spaces of healing for centuries. Here, belong to a safe, wise, and empathic women's circle, where you can heal and come home to your Self, together.

Here, you can tell the truth, let your guard down, and enjoy a group experience unlike any you've ever had.

Each gathering includes experiential IFS practices, as well as time for Q&A with Sara and group discussions.

 BONUS 03 

IFS Kickstarter Guide & Video Series

(a $297 value)

Jumpstart your understanding of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model with this 7-part video series. These will help you to solidify what we’re learning so you can understand how this work relates to your inner system and life.

The IFS Resource Guide includes a comprehensive list of top books, movies, podcasts, and videos to help you learn more about this life-changing, evidence-based psychotherapeutic model. Learning more about this simple framework will transform the way you relate to yourself and others for the rest of your life, allowing you to live with more compassion and connection. 



Sensual Dance Retreat to Embody Your Divine Feminine

(a $297 value)

Come to know yourself as the beautiful, powerful, magnificent being you were born as. In this two-part, pre-recorded video retreat, you'll join Ali Kole, a licensed S Factor teacher, 10-year pole dance veteran, semi-retired CEO, athlete, philanthropist, and devoted wife. Ali has studied for the past 15 years with outstanding teachers in sexual yoga, embodied dance, and deep, lasting intimacy. 

Women are born with innate gifts of sensuality, emotionality, intuition, and life force. Over the years, life experiences can mute and cage our natural strengths and desires. Sensual Embodied Dance invites and guides the body back to her native purpose—to move, emote, communicate, and connect. 



(a $997 value)

At the end of Sorceress School, some women choose to continue on in "Sorceress CEO," my intimate mentorship & mastermind circle for spiritual, women entrepreneurs.

In this year-long program, you’ll put soul-infused, business-building structure and form to your unique gifts and offerings.

Receive step-by-step guidance, mentorship, and community support so you can craft an aligned, prosperous, and sustainable business sourced by your inner guidance.

Sorceress School will transform your life and work from the inside out.

And it’s now open for enrollment.


Your Investment 

 Early Enrollment Gift Until October 18:

The Wealthy Sorceress: Activating Your Prosperity Potential

one-time payment


Or 2 monthly payments of $525

  • 6 Video Initiations (a $1997 value) 
  • 6 Women's IFS Healing Circles (a $997 value) 
  • Facebook Group (a $297 value) 
  • Private Podcast (a $197 value) 
  • IFS Yoga and Meditation Practices (a $297 value) 
  • Journaling Worksheets (a $97 value) 
  • Design Your Dream Business LIVE Retreat & Bring a Friend for Free (a $1994 value) 
  • Additional Bonuses (a $1591 value) 
  • The Wealthy Sorceress: Early Enrollment Masterclass (a $297 value) 


your investment: $997


"Before joining this program, I was beating myself up for my limiting beliefs, my procrastination, my perfectionism, and comparison to other moms.

Now I have a better understanding of my parts. I can appreciate them being there and have stopped trying to ignore them. I can accept all my parts. I feel more peace and less self-judgment.

“I have tried different energy healing modalities, and IFS is refreshing and very different from what I was used to before. I liked that Sara combined IFS with spirituality.

I was already doing Sara's group program, and I wanted to learn more about IFS and how it can heal myself and my kids and ancestral lineage

I would recommend the program. Sara is very generous. The modules are well done and well-organized. The content is great. The flow is nice with spaces for reflections.

The understanding of your parts will awaken you to new possibilities and insights. It will give you a better understanding of who you are. It's well worth it."

– Theany C.; Montreal, Canada

“If you’re thinking of joining know that it doesn’t throw you into the deep end. You don’t have to have experience with IFS or trying to connect with parts. You’ve likely already been doing it without realizing it! And these tools can be simple and quick.”

I have been a student of the mind-body connection for over a decade. I have studied various forms of yoga, meditation, and have a background in health psychology and wellness. I am also an advocate for therapy and have participated in many therapeutic modalities. 

Some things I was struggling with before joining the course were stress and chronic illness, and my biggest takeaway from being part of The Inner Circle was the validation in the consistent connection with parts when showing up to the various exercises and how simple and quick they can be. Also the reminder to get out of intellectualizing everything and return to the body.

Overall, this course demonstrated a personal and professional pathway to connect with aspects of ourselves that can be hard to reach. It also helped me to develop more compassion and body trust.

 Jadi Engels; Chicago, Illinois; Social Worker

"This is a super safe, supportive, and well-paced course that is clear and easy to follow. You will not get lost!”

– Beth; New Jersey 

"Before joining this course I was feeling a lot of grief and life was incredibly busy, overextended, and overwhelming... I was trying to ride those waves with as much presence as I could.

Now I feel increased awareness and self-compassion, a reinvestment in my essential Self and wholeness, and a deeper kindness when I notice myself triggered. Logistically, I liked the combination of asynchronous and synchronous learning, the offering of modules to watch on our own, and then the in-person free-form Q&A time with Sara. This course offers a wonderful introduction to IFS with a nice balance between self-lead learning and connection in the community."

– Zina Mercil; Coach & Therapist

"This was a good way for me to gain insight into past behaviors and choices that I've made that seemed to make no sense at the time or that felt shameful or stupid.

The video lessons were my favorite part and worth the cost of the course. They were very well done and engaging. Overall, the program offered a very interesting perspective on how to relate to yourself in a very positive and constructive way."

- Erica Mito

"Before I joined this program, I was more impulsive and unsure about the direction of my work. I was very unhappy with my full-time job and wanted to start a private practice, but l lacked confidence.

I was also struggling with unhealthy dating patterns, work dissatisfaction, and an overall lack of vision. Becoming You was presented at a pace that worked for me. And IFS is life-changing! The IFS content is so accessible and explained well. I loved how the program was broken down into modules, which seemed linear and made sense. And the meditations were very helpful. I liked that all the live classes were recorded, and I could go back and watch them if I missed a class. Now, I have no desire to date, which I interpret as being more self-focused than other-focused. I'm less impulsive with spending and am saving more, I'm less interested in materialism and material things. I feel like I’ve matured over the course of this program. I'm also starting my private practice! If you're considering joining this course, do it! Instead of feeling lost, I now feel hopeful and motivated to take concrete steps toward my goals."


Interested in joining but want to talk first? 

Schedule a free 15-minute Consultation with Sara


Space is limited and reserved for those who are seriously interested in joining Sorceress School. This is for you if you have lingering questions you'd love to have answered personally.  


“This program is rich, illuminating, and experiential. Even people who may already have familiarity with IFS will likely learn & experience something new, given the unique nature of this program. It's both a wonderful introduction & a deep dive. A  more curated way of learning the most vital parts of IFS than you'd learn on your own.”

"The module on polarizations & specifically addictive cycling was the most impactful for me! I'd never come across this concept, despite the exposure I've had to IFS. It was the most incredible ‘a-ha.’ The description of this process helped me to see the last decade of my life with clarity. It was sobering & also relieving to start understanding the reasons behind just how chaotic my experience of life feels sometimes.

Before I joined this program, I was full of uncertainty. I had just quit my job to go into creative freelancing/business for myself full time. And with that job no longer in the picture -- what I thought was the source of my stress having been removed -- I was able to see for the first time that my life was being held together by a bunch of coping mechanisms that had gone unchecked for a long while by that point. 

I was physically & mentally burnt out. I had no daily rhythms or routines. And I was compulsively spending time online to seek out information– binging on knowledge to the point of numbness, as a way to deal with my feelings of distress.

What drew me to this program was Sara herself & the lens of feminine spirituality that she brings to all of her work. I was interested in IFS previously but knew that my own self-study was limited, so I was excited to learn more about IFS filtered through Sara's perspective.

This course was a beautiful companion during a time of deep transition and recovery. I felt so supported by this healing structure & am so grateful to Sara for creating this!"

Cat Nguyen, Atlanta

“The biggest things I've received from this course are deeper self-compassion and self-knowledge.”

Before joining, I used to beat myself up for mistakes, letting parts of me take over without awareness of what was happening. As a result, I often felt low level anxiety, and insecurity, and I had a victim-mindset.

Some of the things that stuck out the most for me about this program is how incredibly detail-oriented it is, as well as the group support. It offers a full explanation about IFS and how it can work for you. Plus, the price point is amazing for all this knowledge!"

Aurora Zoff, UK

"I have had many life challenges that I’m not sure I’ve ever healed.”

“Somehow I maintain physical health and emotional health to a degree, but, after this course, I feel as though I am facing a crossroads to dig deeper and to allow myself to feel.

I’m a caregiver and I put the needs of others ahead of my own. I struggle to say, ‘no.’ I struggle to find balance and take care of myself. What others think and/or what I believe others think of me takes precedence.

I have been in talk therapy for over 30 years. I have read and journaled. I practice yoga. I have probably tried almost every diet/exercise plan available. I was on medication for mood disorder for 30 years but went off my meds in June. My daughter has made tremendous strides using parts work and I was very hopeful when joining this course. 

For anyone who's considering joining, I say: give yourself the time. It’s a gift to yourself that you deserve."

Kathleen Bettis

“At the end of this course, I'm particularly amazed at how quickly you can really dive in and get to work with this modality. Now, I have a new layer of knowledge of IFS and can apply that as I grow my relationship with my parts.

I've been working with anxiety, and before starting this program, I was feeling a little stuck. I'm currently in therapy and have done some IFS work with Sara before. I found IFS to be so helpful and wanted to do more with the support of a group again.

Purchase this program! You will learn so much. It's a great platform for jumping off and learning what IFS is all about under Sara's gentle and clear guidance. The real strength of the program are the recorded modules. Just like Sara's writing, they are clear, interesting and informative, without being overwhelming.

Amanda Grimm; St. Paul, MN

“This was a deeply immersive experience that I found to be instrumental in discovering and continuing my journey with IFS.”

“The course was a unique blend of live sessions and extensive resources and materials that enable you to engage with the practice in a personal way while still being part of an amazing community that is walking the same path that you are. The women in my group were so inspiring. I would recommend this program to anyone who is looking to connect more with their parts, work towards self-love, and who wants to bring more balance and harmony into their lives.

A.D. Denver, CO

"Before joining this course, I felt a lot of chaos and destabilization, along with grief and post-trauma. I was grappling with multiple losses: of a partner, job, and a home.”

I wanted to join this program because of the IFS focus. I also wanted to continue learning and being in community with Sara, who has been a teacher of mine for over 10 years now. 

As a result of this course, I've deepened my IFS learning and practice, especially how to integrate and apply it to my life situations

If you're thinking about joining this course, I would say: It's a simple and gentle approach to the hard stuff in life! Plus, Sara is a very supportive and compassionate leader in this work. The course is well-organized, intuitive, and has a nice, slow pace, with spaces for pause and reflection.

Overall, I would say: Do it! IFS learning and practice is a wonderful healing journey."

Suzanna Denison; Santa Fe, NM

 “Becoming You can help develop a deeper understanding of the ways you show up in the world and your reactions to things– in a way that is non-judgmental and healing. It's a great initial introduction to IFS and a really good way to get started in this work.“

“I chose to do this program because I was curious to learn about IFS and thought this class might help me better understand the concepts than reading a book. And the conceptual framework offered in this program really helped me. I could pretty quickly identify how certain aspects of myself may have served an important role when I was younger, they have become outdated, and make things in my life more difficult in some ways. Now I have more awareness of my parts and how they show up daily in my life.”

Michelle Webster; Boulder, CO

"Before joining this course, I was very aware of how hard I can be on myself. With this, I sometimes find myself numbing out to help me deal with some ongoing life hardships. I have also struggled with self-doubt, self-acceptance, and people-pleasing out of fear of being abandoned.”

“I find the compassionate aspect of IFS to be really soothing for the soul, and I really appreciate how it helps me relate to myself in a much more kind and curious way. I really loved the guided meditations Sara shared throughout the course. I also enjoyed the journaling prompts and found them useful. I also really loved the yin yoga class!

After taking this course, I have noticed that I feel more at peace with myself and my parts. I feel more inquisitive, rather than critical. I feel less like there's something wrong with me for my struggles through witnessing the other participants and even Sara sharing their experiences and parts as well. It's very comforting and nurturing.

I  think the program was well thought out and considered most angles to make it accessible and a success. It's an amazing opportunity to work with Sara and other women in a supportive and nurturing space. Sara provides a safe container to explore your parts, within yourself, and within a safe community. The whole experience carries a tone of respect, goodness, gentleness, and unwavering compassion

For anyone who's interested in joining this course, I'd say that this is an opportunity to work with a true, wise woman who walks her talk. It offers a way to explore oneself in a revolutionary and compassionate way. You will feel supported, nurtured, and guided. I would say go for it!"

Z. B.; Burlington, VT.


“Before this program, I didn't have clarity or understanding about my parts or self in the same way I do now. I used to bypass pieces of my inner system, either because I didn't know how to work with them or because I was fearful of what I would discover. I also lacked clarity and insight into the direction of my business. As a sensitive human, I experience many feelings, and as an entrepreneur, they seem to be magnified at times. My Manager parts were loud!

I found this course to be really clear about the foundations of Internal Family Systems, and how this can be applied to my work and my life.

Sara's way of teaching is warm and empathetic, with clear communication and a spiritual essence. Her combination of approaches tailored to the women she's working with allows a greater depth of connection and teaching/learning. The technology platform was easy to use and there was an abundance of course materials to learn from! I loved the short videos; the teachings were like sweet morsels of goodness, each broken into bite-sized pieces and easily digestible.

Sara's work offers a deep dive, over and over, and this course was a pivotal and foundational piece of my work in my life and my business. I knew this course would be imperative to my inner and outer peace and success.

Now, I notice I am leading my life (personal and business work) from a Self-led place, and feel much better about myself and my life! This program is easily adaptable and accessible for women in various stages of life and work. It's really a beautiful all-around offering!"

– Joanna Barrett Licensed Mental Health Counselor & Emotional Wellness Yoga Instructor Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Ready for a Recap?


Sorceress School is an integrative immersion that blends Internal Family Systems (IFS) and women's spiritual leadership. It will support you in unveiling your inner power, elevating your business, and embodying the divine feminine leader within.


Enrollment closes on Thursday, October 24 at 4 pm Pacific/7 pm Eastern. The program begins on October 28 and ends on December 5.


Sorceress School is a completely virtual program. We welcome women from all over the world. Create a sacred space online, in your own home, and together.


This is for you if you are a female entrepreneur, founder, CEO, coach, therapist, or creative

  • A self-development devotee who’s been on the path for some time, yet, despite all the talk therapy, coaching, courses, and retreats you’ve done, you still aren’t experiencing the results you want 
  • A smart, spiritually-attuned woman who feels frustrated that she's still struggling! You know you have SO MUCH to offer; and you want to resolve your persistent patterns of burnout, underearning, and feelings of "not enough" at the root (for good)
  • Regularly consumed by busywork or derailed by other people's needs. You're not consistently taking the steps needed to bring your true work forward. You're letting your fears of being seen, judged, and rejected hold you back
  • Going through a big life transition (or healing from a devastating heartbreak) and feel like you could use some extra support and community to help maintain equilibrium as you navigate it

It’s also for you if you’re:

  • Someone who’s done a lot of inner work – but still feels like some parts that tend to hijack you are out-of-reach (or even a mystery) to you
  • Not experiencing the outer results you want (like drawing in enough clients and income) and you have a sense that the obstacles to these are internal
  • Someone who’s interested in Internal Family Systems (IFS) and wants an in-depth understanding and experience of the model, and how it integrates with a more feminine approach to business
  • A coach, therapist, or healing professional who wants to be able to help your clients in deeper and more authentic ways, by first healing those places in yourself
  • A woman who appreciates the magic of healing in sacred spaces like this and wants to go deep, with a supportive mentor and women’s community.

Your Investment:

2 monthly payments of $525 — OR — one, one-time payment of $997

Early enrollment bonus before October 18: The Wealthy Sorceress: Activating Your Prosperity Potential (Masterclass; $297 Value) 



Because you’re tired of getting in your own way, and you know that more is possible– both in your life and in your work. You don’t want to give up on yourself or your dreams– and you’ve tried everything else under the sun and are ready for a more robust, evidence-based approach. Because you crave rich, strong feminine guidance. Because you love women’s community. Because you’re skeptical about (but intrigued by!) women’s community. Because you want to actualize your deepest dreams and desires during this one, fleeting life.

Because … you’re ready to embody your soul's potential by being the woman you know you came here to be, doing the work you know you're born to do.


​​Here are some words from one of our graduates, Debbie,:

"I think that the most important thing I would say about this program is that you are very supported."

Debbie Vaccarella; Hinsdale, NY, Real Estate Agent


Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re thinking “This sounds amazing, but I’m still not 100% sure,” keep reading…


I welcome you into Sorceress School if you resonate with any of the following:

✔ YOU WANT TO thrive while offering the work you know you're born to do 

It's one thing to become a therapist, coach, or business owner– and it's another thing to experience both inner and outer success along the way.  You want to feel like you’re able to actualize the goals and dreams that are tugging at your heart– whether those are new desires, or those you’ve held for a lifetime. 


You know, deep down, that allowing yourself to get burned out, engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors, or feeling stuck, is costing you your joy, fulfillment, inner peace, and personal power– and most importantly, the chance to experience the life and work you most want. 


No matter how successful you may appear to be, you believe more is possible for you (even if parts of you have doubts)– and you don’t want your life to pass you by without fully exploring your inner power to create the life you want. 


You know it’s blocking you from sharing yourself authentically with the world and preventing you from having the kind of impact and connection you most long for– and you’re ready to release it and move forward. 


You’ve recited positive affirmations, done talk therapy, enrolled in endless online courses and coaching programs, and studied all the spiritual practices, and nothing has quite brought the pieces together for you. In fact, sometimes it feels like “fixing” yourself is a full-time job– and you’re ready to resign from that job and actually see results!


You know that to get the results you want, you need to apply yourself.


And you’re ready to really do this!


And you know that, in order to do it, you’ll need to do this important work within yourself first.


More “hard work” isn’t the answer. More action plans or productivity hacks won’t help. Getting up earlier or adopting a “just do it” attitude will only get you so far. You realize that it’s only when you come into inner alignment that outer results (and actions) follow. And you’re willing to put some skin in the game to experience that!

Sorceress School is an investment in your Self and fulfilling your soul's potential.

It’s an opportunity to grow, learn, explore, connect, and transform, in a loving, supportive group experience that's very hands-on. Therefore, we don't offer refunds. 


Breathe. Tune into Your Heart.


Ask Yourself:

If I Trusted Myself Completely, What Would I Do?


"This program supported me to lean into my 'Self energy' and trust in the 'Self energy' of others. Now I have a sense of stabilized internal equilibrium, whereas before, I'd have days where my inner critic was on autopilot.

I really liked how each of the modules were short, bite-sized and super helpful. By the end of this program, you can really can become the ninja of your internal state and feelings."

– Cynthia McGrath; Nurse Practitioner, Transformational Coach, NLP Practitioner

Sorceress School will transform the way you work from the inside out.

And it’s now open for enrollment.


Your Investment 

 Early Enrollment Gift Until October 18:

The Wealthy Sorceress: Activating Your Prosperity Potential 

one-time payment


Or 2 monthly payments of $525

  • 6 Video Initiations (a $1997 value) 
  • 6 Women's IFS Healing Circles (a $997 value) 
  • Facebook Group (a $297 value) 
  • Private Podcast (a $197 value) 
  • IFS Yoga and Meditation Practices (a $297 value) 
  • Journaling Worksheets (a $97 value) 
  • Design Your Dream Business LIVE Retreat & Bring a Friend for Free (a $1994 value) 
  • Additional Bonuses (a $1591 value) 
  • The Wealthy Sorceress: Early Enrollment Masterclass (a $297 value) 


your investment: $997


It's time to bless and release your excuses.

The world needs your gifts today.

If you're a visionary woman who's ready to go to the next level....

Join us.

Now in my late forties, over two decades into my devoted journey of both entrepreneurship and psycho-spiritual discovery, I’ve learned how to craft a life and business that are deeply aligned, heal the parts of myself that get in the way of this, and, above all, how to blaze my own trail back to my Self (even amidst the hardest and most confusing of times). 

As a result of the exact pathway I share in this program, I’ve been able to create a life and a business of authenticity and wholeness. And I'm committed to showing you how you can have this, too.

We women need sacred community. Ancient wisdom and cutting-edge healing modalities. We need trustworthy mentorship. 

We need each other. 

And the world needs you and your gifts now more than ever.

Sorceress School synthesizes all of these things. May it guide you back to your true Self, and deeper into all that you came here to be and do.

 With love and respect,