↪ Truth #1: You want real-deal wisdom from an experienced entrepreneur who’s been walking her talk for a long time.
After completing my first 200-hour yoga teacher training in 2001, I began on my entrepreneurial path. In the nearly twenty-five years since then, I’ve been a pioneer in my field and have served tens of thousands of women worldwide.
I’ve dedicated my life to supporting women to listen to and trust their “still, small voice inside” and to create the lives and businesses of their desires based upon that– rather than on external “shoulds” and expectations.
↪ Truth #2: It’s possible for you to love your work, offer it in alignment with your values, and get well paid for it.
When you're not regularly surrounded by people who are living in this paradigm, it's easy to close down to this possibility. In our Sorceress CEO community, we’re all about simplicity, spaciousness, and paying close attention to what lights you up (Hint: That’s the work that’s truly yours to do!).
Magic happens when you surround yourself with people who are doing incredible things, together.
↪ Truth #3: It’s only consistent, aligned action that creates the results you desire.
To win big (however you define that for yourself), you have to be willing to step off the sidelines and "get into the game" - as well as rest when you need to, of course.
Clarity comes from being in motion. So inside this community, you'll embrace progress over perfection and be encouraged at every turn to cultivate the courage to take consistent steps forward that are in alignment with your true desires.
↪ Truth #4: You know that your success is equal to the quality of the people and support you surround yourself with.
Expert mentorship and hands-on mastermind support are going to make all the difference between thinking about bringing your biggest dreams into reality and actually (gently and firmly) moving you through all of your places of stuckness and resistance.
If you've realized the limitations of going it on your own and are ready to open up to receive more support, community, wisdom, inspiration, and hands-on implementation help - then you are ready to join us in Sorceress CEO community.
↪ Truth #5: Business is not separate from spirituality and personal growth. They’re all part of a single path to self-actualization.
You may have believed, up until now, that you can’t reach a certain level of business and financial success and also be spiritual, but it's simply not true. Our professional journeys are potent conduits for bringing our soul’s gifts and the sacred more fully into the world– all the while healing the many different facets of ourselves.
So in this community, we’re all full-spectrum living, serving, and realization. We embrace radical inclusivity, knowing that all parts of ourselves and our process are holy and deeply welcome.